Delaya B.

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Project Runway: Episode 3: Blacklight or Daylight

And I'm caught up for tomorrow night's episode!! Yay!!

So last week's challenge was a first for the show.  The designers had to create a day look that translated well under a black light.

When this idea was first brought up, I thought it was pretty dope.  Who doesn't like things that glow in the dark and Heidi Klum's reaction was pretty cute.

Designers were given ultra violet paints and puff paints and were able to shop at Mood.  I don't recall how much the designers budget was but it doesn't matter because my idea is very simple when it comes to fabric.

Now I will write a disclaimer that I'm not 100% sure that I would have come up with this idea had I of been on the show.  Technically that's the case with each of these posts but I'm pretty sure I was influenced by watching the show.

Initially, with the glow in the dark, I gravitated towards more of a grunge graffiti vibe.  Everything was oversized and very relaxed and grimy.  I immediately thought that was boring though and struggled to push it.

I knew I wanted to use the paint but wasn't too sure about how.  I then thought about how if something were painted, it would be cool if it floated in the dark.  As I continued down the rabbit hole, I thought a tribal all over print would be kind of dope.

As I sketched out the idea, I would have loved to use a nude mesh and cover up the goodies but I probably wouldn't have grabbed that at mood.  I would have had to use the white fabric provided by the challenge.  I didn't draw my concept using that fabric, but who really cares?

As far as completing construction, I'm pretty sure I would have finished it but I would have been pretty anal about the graphics.  The center miter would have had to of been perfect.  A lot of taping angles off would have occurred...along with painting in the dark.

In judging, I think I would have been close to the top, if not in the top.  The very simple silhouette would have hurt me but if it glowed like it needed to, the judges would have loved it.  They're suckers for graphic prints.

The prize of this Project Runway Day to Night challenge would have been a feature in Marie Claire magazine.  How would that not be awesome?

Let me know in the comments below if you think I would have won, been safe or out in this challenge!