Fur Design Illustration

Fashion mood board by designer Delaya Briscoe inspired by night life. Fall style color palette of black, cream and red.
Fall style fashion illustrations by designer Delaya Briscoe inspired by the night life lights using fur vests and fur jackets and leather boots. (Black art, natural hair art)
Fall style fashion illustrations by designer Delaya Briscoe inspired by the night life lights using fur vests and fur jackets and leather boots. (Black art, natural hair art)
Fall style fashion illustrations by designer Delaya Briscoe inspired by the night life lights using fur vests and fur jackets and leather boots. (Black art, natural hair art)
Fall style fashion illustrations by designer Delaya Briscoe inspired by the night life lights using fur vests and fur jackets and leather boots. (Black art, natural hair art)

Let me know what you think! Would you rock one of these fur vests in the fall or winter cold?