Posts in lifestyle
How to Check in With Your Goals in 2020

So, by the grace of God, we’ve made it through half of 2020. And even though we’re swirling in “unprecedented” times, many of us still have the capabilities and drive to continue the work and execute the goals we set at the beginning of the year. For those continuing to work on your goals, it’s time to do a check in, but we’re going to handle it a little differently this year.

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30 Lessons at 30

Today I turn 30 years old. So in today’s post, I’m going to do something I’ve never attempted before, and that’s to write down the lessons that I’ve learned through time. Specifically for this post, 30 lessons that I’ve learned within my 30 years on this planet. The goal is to list out 30 lessons per category that I feature on my blog and YouTube channel being fashion design, style and self.

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Revolve, H&M, Lack of Diversity and MLK Day.

Revolve doesn't have enough diversity in their campaigns, H&M put a black boy in a monkey hoodie and I felt like a fraud trying to post on Instagram on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Here are my personal thoughts about being a person of color and where I stand in this movement.

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DIY: Headwrap that Fits Your Personal Style

I love my natural hair, but sometimes (a lot of times), I just don’t feel like doing it.  Either I’m too tired, just not motivated or my hair becomes a little unruly.  No matter the reason, I find myself wanting to tie the sucker down!

The issue?  Finding a cute scarf that fits my style.  I am very selective and the headwrap that I choose to wear out the house is no exception.  Don’t care about the headwrap I go to sleep in, just the one people see me in.

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