STORY TIME: How I got into Fashion Design

You know that feeling when you come across your calling? That moment you know you’ve found what you’re going to do with the rest of your life? 😍 …Yea, me neither. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yes I love fashion now and you can see the 9 reasons why I love it by watching the video below, but it wasn’t always like this.

Growing up, I had my heart set on being a veterinarian. I loved animals, still do, and I thought my calling was to help them. 🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🤗 Yes, I’m the child who thought she could feel what animals were feeling. 😒 Anyways, that all changed in high school.

While enrolling in classes for my Freshman year, I was given the choice to take a regular level biology class or an honors biology. 🦠🔬 I was already ahead of the high school academic schedule by having biology in 9th grade, but I rationalized it would be better for my veterinarian track if I took the honors class, so that’s what we went with and that’s where it all went wrong. 😅

I took the class and long story short, I failed. 🤣🤣 Well, I ended the semester with a D but I did see the word FAIL on a progress report. I don’t know what to tell you, biology is boring. 😅 I fell asleep in class often, I barely understood the words that were used and I just wasn’t interested in it as a subject. This put a wrench in becoming a veterinarian. I couldn’t possibly go through years of schooling and lectures, knowing that I’d fall asleep in pretty much every class. 🤔


Now, here is where I wish I could tell you how I transitioned into liking fashion and wanting to be a designer and everything just clicked for me…Unfortunately, I can’t do that because ioeino. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I know that in middle school I used shoe laces as suspenders and in high school I started sketching out t-shirt designs. I don’t know when I deducted that one plus one equaled two and started to look at fashion design as a college major and potential career. 👩🏾‍🎓

As for loving fashion itself, it was something that grew over time. I sketched and doodled t-shirt designs more and started sewing tote bags. I took a college fashion illustration class my junior year and designed my prom dress senior year. 💃🏾


From there, I learned more about fashion and design. I learned the history of it, the purpose of it and the passions behind it. Through time, I’ve learned why I loved fashion and here are my top 3 reasons:

  1. Creative Outlet

    It lets you be you. It lets you show off who you are as an individual. Nothing can beat that for me. You can create stories and characters on a daily basis like I attempt to do with my personal style. You can use it as a source of creativity therapy. You can use it to communicate your hobbies, interests or values because your style speaks for you before you even say a word.

  2. Craftsmanship

    The more I learned about fashion and what could happen, the more I appreciated the craftsmanship behind it. Haute couture alone, with hand made garments of elaborate beading and structural construction and artistic techniques… 😍🥰 I’m awing just thinking about it. True craftsmen take pride in their work as knowledge is passed down from generation to generation. There’s a respect that should be given to these intricacies of the industry.

  3. Inspiration

Fashion has the creative juice. 😏. It inspires throughout genres. Through music with rock or hip hop or even classical music where each have their own fashion uniform. Through wars, protests and propaganda, it is a part of inspiring change. It evokes emotions for other artists in other art forms to display their talents, like photographers who create stories within fashion campaigns and editorials. The inspiration is endless.

Honestly, I would love to say that I knew I wanted to be a fashion designer all my life and that I’ve been studying up on it ever since I could remember, but that’s just not true. 😥 Through time, I’ve grown to love fashion. I’ve grown to see what it can offer. I’ve grown to see what it has the potential to become. And the more I learn about it…because I’m definitely not done with that part…the stronger my love for fashion will be. 😉

For the full 9 reasons of why I like fashion, watch this video. ⬇️😁😁

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