Have you ever felt like it’s time for a change but you didn’t have the tools you needed to make that change happen? Yea I’ve felt that way too. Specifically when I realized I lost myself to motherhood. Okay, not actually lost myself, but I started to feel like I was being covered by my new role as a mom that I wasn’t being seen as myself anymore. Not by me, not by anyone. The uniform became just like every other mom’s: oversized shirts and leggings. It was comfortable but that just wasn’t it for me.
Read MoreDays have turned to weeks which have turned to months, 5 months to be exact, of quarantined living. There have been times where I’ve found it excruciating, like I was trapped and didn’t have anywhere to escape to and I had a few weeks where I was barely holding on to my “typical” sanity levels, but for the most part, Covid living has been treating me pretty well. In fact, I’ve learned a number of lessons within the past 5 months alone from this experience that I’m sure I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life.
Read MoreIn highschool, after I chose being a fashion designer as my future career, I quickly hopped onto the internet to see what information I could find about it. To see what schools I could potentially attend for college….
Read MoreIt’s 4am in the morning and I can’t sleep because I’m feeling inspired and among the bajillion thoughts currently swirling in my head comes the question, “What does ‘Design your best life’ even mean?”
For those who may not know, I sign off on my YouTube channel with, “Until next time guys, keep designing your best life.” No matter if it’s at the end of a fashion related video, a style video or a wellness video, that’s what I leave all my viewers with. Read more for why.
Read MoreSo, by the grace of God, we’ve made it through half of 2020. And even though we’re swirling in “unprecedented” times, many of us still have the capabilities and drive to continue the work and execute the goals we set at the beginning of the year. For those continuing to work on your goals, it’s time to do a check in, but we’re going to handle it a little differently this year.
Read MoreToday I turn 30 years old. So in today’s post, I’m going to do something I’ve never attempted before, and that’s to write down the lessons that I’ve learned through time. Specifically for this post, 30 lessons that I’ve learned within my 30 years on this planet. The goal is to list out 30 lessons per category that I feature on my blog and YouTube channel being fashion design, style and self.
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