Flats Friday: Industrialized Elegance

This weeks Flats Friday was inspired by this week’s Mood board Monday where I shared tips on what you should do, if you you’re starting to feel jealous of your friends success. Before we continue, I said it in the previous post and I’ll say in this post, I don’t have any ill feelings towards my friends and family succeeding at what they’ve been striving for over the years. I support them and want nothing but the best for them. What their success has brought up though is myself doing a check in on if the work that I’ve been doing still has me on the right path to achieve the goals that I want. So, Monday’s mood board was a representation of what I want as a designer which is my own studio space and office, clientele, and a brand that has an industrial elegant vibe to it.


In creating the designs, I checked in with what details I’d want my future brand and space to be known for. What feelings would I want each of them to exude? I’d want both of them feel comfortable, but on an elevated level, casual and approachable but also have a sophisticated attitude about them; art, culture and heritage play a large roll as well.


