How to Make a Trend Timeless

Trends are great. They’re fun, often exciting and good ways to test your style boundaries but the tricky thing about them is they don’t last. Unless they have iconic tendencies like the Little Black Dress or jeans, they’re literally here for a season or two and then gone the next. That alone can make them hard to buy into. You don’t want to “waste” your money buying into trends with a short shelf life. That’s a great way to have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear. But how do you have fun and play around with trends without feeling like you're wasting money? Well, let me tell you! I’m sharing 7 tips on how you can make trends timeless.


In Spring 2020, a hot style trend of a sleeveless tank top with shoulder pads came around. The tank was loose fitting so it offered a casual power-play moment. I loved it as soon as I saw it but felt it wasn’t for me. I already feel like my shoulders are broad af and shoulder pads would only enhance that spread across my shoulders.

Well, Rona hit and I wanted to do creative things, so I bought the materials needed to DIY a padded t-shirt for myself. I bought the materials in July or so...but I didn’t complete the project until October and posted the DIY Padded T-shirt video in November.


Now, if I were making this DIY padded shirt style to keep up with the trends, this would’ve been awful timing. In my opinion, this trend is on its last legs. It might get refreshed for Spring 2021, like I saw in this video from Debbs Bjuku where she DIYed a padded shirt dress, or the trend may branch out into long sleeves like @signedblake’s Amazon Drop collab, but it’s not going to do much more than that.

So why did I make a trendy shirt that’s about to be off trend? Because I do what I want. But also, I consider  how the trend can be a timeless addition to my closet, not just a momentary one. That’s one way to ensure longevity in your clothes and your closet. Here’s how you make a trend timeless.

7 Ways to Make a Trend Timeless

1. Choose a Neutral Color

Black, greys, whites and browns are a safe way to incorporate trends into your timeless wardrobe. These are colors that will stand the test of time since they commonly serve as the base color for a personal style. The neutral color keeps the trend from standing out too much during an off season and has the potential to be seen as an elevated base piece depending on what it is. Now, if the trend is neon or pastel colors, this tip clearly doesn’t work for that. What you can do is choose the safest of these colors; pinks for neon and blues, pinks and yellows for pastels. Relatable colors that can work season through season, depending on how they’re styled.

2. Good Quality

We want good quality construction and good quality materials used on our trendy pieces. With brands and companies like Fashion Nova, Forever 21, Zara etc who all try to stay top of mind and keep the trends cranking through the mill, quality isn’t always the top notch concern. If you want longevity in these pieces, you want to make sure the garment has the physical capability of lasting that long. You want to make a reasonable investment. Don’t break the bank but don’t skimp either.


3. Fit

Fit will always be a key in upleveling your style. You can’t deny the value of something that has been made to fit your body specifically. Whether a custom design or a tailored one. If you want to rock a trend for the long haul, don’t leave fit up to the brand who’s generalizing their sizes. Find a local tailor and have them take it in a bit here and shorten it a little there for a well put together appearance.

Suggested Read: 3 F’s to Give About Your Personal Style

4. Fabric

A good quality fabric is ideal and accompanies point number 2 in needing the garment to sustain some years of wear and tear. The reason why it gets its own point though is because the trend itself might be the trend you want to preserve. If the fabric is the trend, it will be harder to transition it into a timeless piece. For example, a fabric with shine or iridescence, it may be an eye catcher now but turn into an eye sore down the road. If possible, you want to look towards common fabrics, ones that aren’t heavily embellished. Some fabrics that have remained consistent through time are cotton shirting, denim, leather, silk and jersey knit. 


5. Minimize the Details

I don’t know about you but I love when trends...some trends...are done over the top. Like a head to toe look of coordinated prints or the super duper voluminous sleeves right now… they are definitely a moment! A moment. For long term wear though, go big or go home does not apply here. When choosing a trendy item for the long haul, it’s best to downplay the trend so it won’t compete...dominate...your outfits to come. So, when looking at the details, choose a small scale or limited quantity of whatever the trend happens to be.

6. Functionality

How effective is this trendy item. Consider what this item is supposed to do at it’s core before swiping your card. Some trends are cute but don’t do nothing for ya except make you look cute. If you’re buying for the long haul, you’re going to need more than that. Remember distressed hoodies with the holes in them or open toed boots? Both of these items are supposed to keep you warm at the core; hoodies cover the top part of your body and boots cover your feet. Well, if both items have holes in them, they’re exposing your body to the cold, which goes against that item’s core function. If the item can’t do the one job it was given, leave it where it’s at.


7. Fun

When it’s all said and done, do what makes you happy. Personal style is a creative way to express yourself, so if you want to wear a very large, loud and outdated trend, then go ahead. Live your best life. Don’t let the opinion of other “stylish” people block your shine from within.

So, while my padded t-shirt was made because of a trend, I have confidence that I’ll be able to wear it when this trend is dead and gone. It coordinates with my personal style, it’s a common fabric and the shoulder pads don’t hit you over the head with a dramatic shape.


I want to hear from you. Have you ever bought into a trend and had to figure out how to wear it after the trend was long gone? Or did you scrap it altogether? Share in the comments.